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Bending Reality With the Power of Intention

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

The intention is a power that we all have but not many people make use of. The intention is the ability to focus and direct our thoughts with clarity for a specific purpose or outcome. With intention, you can bend reality to your will rather than let life happen to you. The world around us is created and shaped by the things we think about. When we give our attention to something, it grows stronger in our lives while things we ignore begin to slip away into obscurity. This is because our thoughts are more than just random noise going through our heads; they’re powerful forces that directly influence everything around us. With intention, you can harness this incredible power and use it as a tool to achieve anything you set your mind to. Here are five ways you can use intention to bend reality and achieve anything you set your mind on:

Set an Intentional Morning Ritual

The first step to bending reality with intention is to set an intentional morning ritual. Start each day with a ritual that sets your intention for the day. This sets the tone for the day, allowing you to direct your thoughts towards what you want to create in your life rather than what you don’t want. The ritual doesn’t have to be complicated. Anything that brings you into an empowered state and focuses your attention on what you want will work. Here are examples – Meditation: This is one of the most common rituals used to set intention. When you meditate, you’re actively clearing your mind and focusing solely on your breath. This allows you to let go of the stresses of the day and enter a state where you can clearly set your intention for the day. Affirmations: Another way to set your intentions for the day is through affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself throughout the day to build a new belief system that supports you in creating the life you want. Self-reflection: Setting your intentions can also include reflecting on your day and what you want to create in the future. Self-reflection is looking back on what happened in your day and asking yourself how you want to create more of that in the future.

Live from a Place of Yes

Another way you can bend reality with intention is to live from a place of yes. It’s easy to fall into patterns of negativity and self-sabotage, but you can use intention to break out of that. When negative thoughts arise, actively change your mindset from a place of yes. When you get that nagging voice in the back of your head that says you can’t do something, turn it into something more empowering. When you start actively changing your mindset from a place of yes, you actively change your life. You start saying “yes” to the things you want and “no” to the things that don’t serve you. This, in turn, attracts more of those things into your life.

Have Clear Goals and Intentions

Another important part of bending reality with intention is having clear goals and intentions. Before you can actively bend reality to your will, you have to know what it is you want to create. When you know what you want, you can use your powers of intention to create it. Put your intentions into concrete goals. Vague dreams will only get you so far. You need to be specific and know exactly what it is you want in order to bend reality and make those things happen.

Be Proactively Co-creating Your Own Reality

When you actively bend reality with intention, you’re proactively co-creating your own reality. This means that you’re not just passively sitting back and letting things happen to you. You’re actively shaping your reality and using your powers of intention to bring your dreams to life. There will always be things outside of your control that happen in your life. You can’t control the actions of others, the weather, or any other external factors. What you can control is how you respond to those situations and how you use intention to shape your reality.


When you actively bend reality with intention, you’re actively creating the life you want. You’re not waiting for things to happen to you; you’re actively creating them for yourself. This is an important distinction to make. When you actively co-create your reality, you’re taking the power from outside forces and putting it in your own hands. You’re choosing to create reality in a way that benefits you and supports you in your life rather than passively allowing things to happen to you that may not be in your best interest. When you actively bend reality with intention, you’re actively creating the life you want. You’re actively creating what you want to happen in your life instead of passively letting it happen to you. When you actively bend reality, amazing things will begin to happen in your life.

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